Who Wants a Hint?
In Geodyssey Update #5, I said:
I’ve got an important announcement to make about Geodyssey this coming Monday (Feb 29). I’ll give you a hint: you absolutely won’t want to miss it.
I meant that emphasized part quite literally: I will help you successfully complete whatever puzzle you’re currently stuck on.
There’s just one catch: you must include the title of your favorite song by Jonathan Coulton in your hint request. (If you don’t know the titles of any Jonathan Coulton songs, then you clearly haven’t worked on Puzzle 7 yet.)
If you want help, send me email or use the contact form on this site. Entries must be postmarked Feb 29 and must include:
- the number of the puzzle you need help with,
- solutions you’ve tried so far, and
- the name of your favorite JoCo song.
Happy LEAP Day, everyone!
New Prize in the Pool
Thanks to geocacher, constructor, solver, and author Cully Long, there’s new swag in the Geodyssey prize bag. Cully has generously offered to add a copy of his book How to Puzzle Cache to the prize pool!
Eight years ago, I created the Puzzle Solving 101 series of geocaches to help people overcome their fear of the scary blue question mark. My goal was to put puzzle-solving tools into people’s hands and help others discover the best part of puzzle caches, which is that they give you that “a-ha!” moment twice: once when you solve the puzzle, and once again when you find the cache.
How to Puzzle Cache takes that intent to an entirely new level, with way more detail, examples, illustrations, and solving guides than I could ever have crammed into PS101. It is the definitive guide on how to become a better solver, no matter what your current ability level is.
The winner will be chosen at random from all entries to the Remote Challenge.
Thanks, Cully!
That’s all for now, and I’m looking forward to receiving your hint requests!
Eric Peterson / ePeterso2
Chief Puzzlehead